Thrasher Analytics Letter Unlocked To Celebrate The Birth of My Daughter

Last week my wife and I were honored to welcome our baby girl, Elizabeth Thrasher into the world! Both my wife and the baby are doing great and we are excited to begin a new chapter of our family’s story.

To celebrate the birth of Elizabeth, I’m making this week’s Thrasher Analytics public and offering 15% off the first subscription period for new subscribers with discount code: Thrasher15.

This week’s letter focuses on the shift in concern from the poor breadth data that had been developing in the last couple of weeks, which has since improved somewhat, to a buildup in extreme bullish sentiment. Several of the charts shared in the letter are ones you likely won’t find anywhere else as I take pride in attempting to share unique views of the market beyond your typical market commentary:

-Nasdaq volatility dispersion compressed.
-Less than 2.2% of stocks are in a 20+% drawdown and what that could mean for the market.
-Average stock volatility has fallen to the lowest level since before the Covid Crash.
-Just 31% of stocks are seeing positive relative performance and why that not been a bullish development.
-FAAMG stocks continue to be market leaders as smaller cap stocks struggle to confirm new highs.
-Breadth data has improved but is still below prior highs.
-Gold and Natural Gas charts.
-High yield debt weakens relative to Treasury bonds.

To read the full letter you can download it here: Thrasher Analytics Letter July 5th, 2021

To get 15% off a subscription to Thrasher Analytics go to and use discount code: Thrasher15
(code will expire on July 13th)

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About Andrew Thrasher, CMT

Andrew Thrasher, CMT is a Portfolio Manager for Financial Enhancement Group, LLC, an asset management firm in Central Indiana and founder of Thrasher Analytics, an independent financial market research firm. He specializes in technical analysis as well as macro economic developments.